


Apple's sixth generation iPod Nano was an opportunity to completely rethink how the product line positioned itself. Previous ads featured products against studio backdrops — a minimalist aesthetic and markedly Apple, but in many ways too modest a backdrop for a product celebrating music on the move. Under the guidance of Media Arts Lab, the campaign looked to lifestyle, shifting focus away from convincing consumers to purchase the device, to asking them to buy the emotion. The goal was to reintroduce the iPod Nano in a fresh new way, as colorful and vibrant as the product itself. This is the iPod Nano 6th generation.




Apple's sixth generation iPod Nano was an opportunity to completely rethink how the product line positioned itself. Previous ads featured products against studio backdrops — a minimalist aesthetic and markedly Apple, but in many ways too modest a backdrop for a product celebrating music on the move. Under the guidance of Media Arts Lab, the campaign looked to lifestyle, shifting focus away from convincing consumers to purchase the device, to asking them to buy the emotion. The goal was to reintroduce the iPod Nano in a fresh new way, as colorful and vibrant as the product itself. This is the iPod Nano 6th generation.